GOOGLE 游戏引擎 设计
一、底层开发包和工具 1. ::URL::http://www.mesa3d.org Mesa 是一个类OpenGL( ::URL::http://www.opengl.org )的开源实现。 2. ::URL::http://openil.sourceforge.net DevIL (即以前的OpenIL)是一个跨平台的图形处理包,支持 BMP、JPG、GIF 等多种图形文件格式。 二、2D 游戏开发包 1. ::URL::http://www.libsdl.org/ ::URL::http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/linux/theme/special/ SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)是一个跨平台的多媒体和游戏开 发包,提供2D、音频、事件驱动、多线程和定时器等服务,并有大 量的扩充开发包,如TCP/IP 网络、游戏角色、混音等。SDL 是用C 开发的,但也有Perl、PHP、Delphi 等多种语言的版本。 2. ::URL::http://www.clanlib.org ClanLib 是一个通用的C++游戏开发包,提供游戏资源操作、网络 对象处理、GUI 主题和游戏脚本等支持。支持Windows 和Linux。 PMT Files – Open Source Game Development 三、3D 引擎和游戏开发包 1. ::URL::http://crystal.sourceforge.net/ Crystal Space 是一个用C++开发的3D 游戏开发包。有丰富的 功能,支持Direct3D、OpenGL、Glide 等。 2. ::URL::http://ogre.sourceforge.net/ OGRE 是一个面向对象的3D 引擎,支持DirectX、OpenGL 和 Glide 等。 3. ::URL::http://hem.passagen.se/opengl/glfw/ GLFW 是一个OpenGL 的应用框架,支持Linux 和Windows。 4. ::URL::http://apocalyx.sourceforge.net/ Apocalyx 是一个基于OpenGL 的3D 引擎。 5. ::URL::http://www.faktiss.net/ Nive 是一个C++ 3D 引擎,基于OpenGL 和 DevIL,支持Windows 和Linux/Xwindow。 6. ::URL::http://plib.sourceforge.net/ Plib 是一个3D 游戏开发包。 7. ::URL::http://alleg.sourceforge.net/ Allegro 是一个跨平台的C/C++游戏开发包,提供2D、3D、声效、用 户输入、文件、压缩、GUI 等功能。 PMT Files – Open Source Game Development 四、游戏和游戏框架 1. ::URL::http://www.freecraft.org/ FreeCraft 是一个实时战略游戏(RTS)框架。 2. ::URL::http://www.worldforge.org/ Worldforge 是一个完整的大型网络RPG 游戏框架。 3. ::URL::http://arianne.info/ Arianne 是一个大型网络RPG 游戏,同时也是一个游戏框架。 五、其他 1. ::URL::http://openai.sourceforge.net/ OpenAI 是一个人工智能的工具包,包括神经网络、遗传算 法、有限状态机等。
一、英文网站 1. ::URL::http://www.flipcode.com/ Daily Game Development News & Resources 2. ::URL::http://www.gamedev.net/ All Your Game Development Needs 3. ::URL::http://www.gamedeveloper.net/ 4. ::URL::http://www.gametutorials.com/ Game Programming with Personality, From Start to Finish 5. ::URL::http://www.cfxweb.net/ Demo & Game Development 6. ::URL::http://www.gdse.com The Game Programming and Design Search Engine 7. ::URL::http://www.2dgame-tutorial.com 8. ::URL::http://www.gamasutra.com/ CMP - The Art & Science of Making Games 9. ::URL::http://www.gdmag.com/ CMP - Game Developer Magazine 二、中文网站 1. ::URL::http://www.gameres.com/ 中文游戏开发技术资料和交流 2. ::URL::http://mays.soage.com/ 中国游戏开发者 3. ::URL::http://www.gpgame.net 金点工作室 4. ::URL::http://www.codingnow.com 云风工作室 5. ::URL::http://lightwing.myrice.com/ 琴心剑胆 6. ::URL::http://www.diamondgarden.net/ 钻石花园 7. ::URL::http://www.joynb.com/ 无名鸟游戏工作室 8. ::URL::http://www.npc6.com/ 何苦做游戏,游戏制作的文化 PMT Files – Game Development Website 三、Linux 游戏及其开发网站 1. ::URL::http://www.happypenguin.org The Linux Game Tome 2. ::URL::http://linuxgames.com/ Linux Games - For the people 3. Linux Game Programming Webring
国外 2D 游戏引擎相关站点。免费的 2D 引擎评价比较好、人气比较高的是 SDL 和 Allegro 。
其中Grim 2D API 和Haaf’s Game Engine使用了硬件加速。
. Sekoya etc. . Open-Source Game Dev. http://sekoya-games.sourceforge.net/
Allegro.cc - Main http://www.allegro.cc/
BYOND Games! http://www.byond.com/
CDX Library http://www.cdxlib.com/
ClanLib - ClanLib Game SDK http://www.clanlib.org/
Crossfire - The Multiplayer Adventure Game http://crossfire.real-time.com/
crowsoft.net http://www.crowsoft.net/
Cyberjoueurs.com Corporate Center http://www.cyberjoueurs.com/
Daimonin MMORPG http://web2.168180.vserver.de/
Developer’s Lair http://lair.gamedeveloper.net/programming/start.php
DXGame Engine For Visual Basic - 2D Game Engine For Visual Basic - Program your own games using Visual Basic - The 2D Arcade Game Engine For Visual Basic http://dxgame.com/
Explorations 32bit (Official Home Page) http://www.explore-rpg.com/
Features http://eclipseeng.sourceforge.net/features.html
freedesktop.org http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/glitz
g2 graphical library http://g2.sourceforge.net/
Game engine for Mac os X and Win 32 http://www.phelios.com/ptk/
Game Maker Games Home http://www.gamemakergames.com/
Game Maker Pages http://www.gamemaker.nl/
Gamewiz http://www.gamewiz.net/
Grim 2D API - hardware accelerated 2D graphics http://grim.10tons.org/downloads.html
Haaf’s Game Engine - Hardware accelerated 2D game engine http://hge.relishgames.com/
http–www.artofcode.com-libart.html http://www.artofcode.com/libart.html
HZ - a real-time action strategy engine http://pulp.fiction.net/~jeske/Projects/HZ/
ImageMagick - Convert, Edit, and Compose Images http://www.imagemagick.org/
Intro Page http://spriteworldx.sourceforge.net/
IsometriX project - free isometric engine http://www.isometrix.org/project.htm
Jarrod Davis Software http://software.jarroddavis.com/
libAfterImage Imaging Library. http://afterstep.sourceforge.net/afterimage/
OHRRPGCE - News http://hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/
OpenRPG Online Virtual Tabletop http://www.openrpg.com/
Ovorp The Worlds Most Powerful 2D Game Engien http://ovorp.bryanlivingston.com/tiki-index.php
Pcvelocity.com Computer Help Forum http://www.pcvelocity.com/
Planet ZZT++ http://www.planetzztpp.com/
Quazal Multiplayer Connectivity http://www.quazal.com/
Rakkarsoft http://www.rakkarsoft.com/
Shadow Worlds Bruderschaft der Schwerter http://www.shadowworlds.de/index.jsp
SxDL Game Development Toolkit Latest News http://sxdl.sourceforge.net/
The CImg Library - C++ Template Image Processing Library http://cimg.sourceforge.net/
The Cycon Online Gaming (COG) Engine http://cogengine.sourceforge.net/
The Game Development Search Engine http://www.gdse.com/
The Lost Realm of Anoria http://lroa.sourceforge.net/
The Scrolling Game Development Kit Homepage http://gamedev.sourceforge.net/
The SDL Archives http://twomix.devolution.com/pipermail/sdl/
The VERGE game creation system free games since 1997. http://www.verge-rpg.com/
Tile Studio http://tilestudio.sourceforge.net/
Ultimate 3D Links - 3D Programming DirectX http://www.mayavistudios.com/3d-programing/directx.htm
Underworld - Free Online Multiplayer Game http://www.dimensionex.net/underworld/
Wiz2D Game Engine http://members.shaw.ca/merconconsulting/Wiz2D.htm
YOV408 Technologies - Projects http://www.yov408.com/html/projects.php?page=3
–the engines–
- Codecreatures http://www.codecult.com ;
- Ogre (free) http://ogre.sourceforge.net/ ;
- Serious Engine http://www.croteam.com/engine_features.shtml ;
- Jet 3D (free) http://www.jet3d.com/ ;
- 6DX http://www.aztica.com/modules/news/ ;
- Intrinsic Alchemy http://www.intrinsic.com/ ;
- Q (free) http://www.qubesoft.com/q/overview.php ;
- Power Render 4 http://www.egerter.com/powerrender/index.htm ;
- Twilight 3DGE 2 http://twilight3d.com/products/3dge/ ;
- Wild Tangent http://www.wildtangent.com/default....driver_overview ;
- Vital Engine http://www.deep-shadows.com/en/ve20_features.html ;
- Quazal http://www.quazal.com/products/index.html ;
- Renderware http://www.renderware.com/ ;
- X Ray Engine http://www.stalker-game.com/index.php?t=engine ;
- Netimmerse http://www.ndl.com ;
- ExNihilo (free) http://www.ploksoftware.org/index.php ;
- Plib (free) http://plib.sourceforge.net/index.html ;
- Carsten’s 3D Engine (free) http://www.ca3d-engine.de/ ;
- 3D State (free) http://www.3dstate.com/ ;
- Destiny 3D http://www.destiny3d.com/pages/engine.html ;
- Nive 3D (free) http://www.faktiss.net/index.html ;
- Shine 3D http://www.nmg.ru/product.asp?lang=en&;design=&id={11376C9A-FB6F-11D3-A930-00C0F0494FCA}
- Game Creation System 3.0 http://www.pieskysoft.com/prod_gcs.html ;
- Amp 3D Game Design System http://www.slamsoftware.com/frameset.html ;
- Cloak NT http://www.cauldron.sk/tech/cloaknt.htm ;
- Panard Vision (free) http://www.panardvision.com/v3/pv_overview.php ;
- Shark 3D http://www.shark3d.com/ ;
- Fly 3D (free) http://www.fly3d.com.br/ ;
- Vega Prime http://www.multigen.com/products/ru...ime/index.shtml ;
- Jamagic http://www.clickteam.com/English/jamagic.php ;
- Quake 2 (free) ;version=6
- 3D RAD http://www.3drad.com/ ;
- Dark Basic Pro http://www.darkbasicpro.com/ ;
- Blitz 3D http://www.blitzbasic.com/ ;
- Quest3D http://www.quest3d.com ;awsome engine
- 3D Gamestudio A5 http://www.conitec.net/a4info.htm ;good for beginners
- TrueVision http://francis.dupont.free.fr/coind...ish/truevision/ ;
- FreeCraft (free) http://freecraft.net/ ;
- Genesis 3D (free) http://www.genesis3d.com ;
- Auran Jet http://www.auran.com/jet/overview.htm ;
- Nebula Device (free) http://www.radonlabs.de/ ;
- Crystal Space (free) http://crystal.sourceforge.net/drupal/index.php ;
- Torque http://www.garagegames.com/pg/product/view.php?id=1 ;
- LithTech http://www.lithtech.com/ ;
- Quake 3 Arena ;version=6
- Vulpine http://www.vulpine.de/ ;
- Unreal http://udn.epicgames.com/ ;
- Miracle 3D http://www.miracle3d.da.ru/ ;
- Cipher http://www.synapticsoup.com/cipher-overview.htm ;
- Virtools http://www.virtools.com/ ;nasty engine, but very expensive
- Blender (free) http://www.blender.nl ;
- Open GVS http://www.opengvs.com/about.htm ;
- Adventuremaker http://www.adventuremaker.com/index.html ;
- InterAx Game Engine http://www.cognitial.com/interax/index.htm ;
- Power Render X http://www.egerter.com/prx/index.htm ;
- Aleph One (free) http://source.bungie.org/ ;
- The Afterburner http://www.angelfire.com/my/demos/home.htm ;
- NemoX (free) http://perso.wanadoo.fr/malakoff/index.htm ;
- PTL & QDTE (free) http://membres.lycos.fr/frochet/frame.htm ;
- 3DE http://www.recent-software.com/ ;
- SurRender http://www.surrender3d.com/gfx_main.php ;
- Multimedia Fusion http://www.clickteam.com/English/mmfusion.php ;
- GraalOnline http://www.cyberjoueurs.com/ ;
- C2 Engine http://www.pocketeers.com/c2.htm ;
- Tenebrae http://tenebrae.sourceforge.net/index.php ;
- Crytek http://crytek.com/ ;
- Shockwave3D: http://www.macromedia.com/software/director/ ;
- Pulse3D : http://www.pulse3D.com ;
- Axel : http://www.mindavenue.com ;
- anark studio http://www.anark.com ;
- architectural /visualization, dedicated to 3ds Max http://www.cubicspace.com ;
- architectural /visualization, dedicated to 3ds Max http://www.vr4max.com ;
- Vegastrike http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/ ;NEW
- up to date site for nice engines http://www.3dengines.net/ ;
- dynamyic engine havok http://www.havok.com/ ;
- a complete black box solution for absolutely any game that can be imagined http://www.nevrax.org/ ;
- 3D game engine and multiplayer/singleplayer FPS game http://sourceforge.net/projects/cube/ ;
- toolkit that lets you create quality games without knowing any programming http://www.realityfactory.ca/v3/ ;
- 3D game engine developed by 3Ddrome http://www.3ddrome.com/engine.php ;
- Iehovah realtime destructible dynamic terrains! http://www.iehovah.com/ ;
- Voxlap the most advanced 6dof voxel engine http://advsys.net/ken/voxlap.htm ;
- 3Impact (trial) - http://www.3impact.com/index.htm ;
- The Urgh Engine (demo) - http://www.urgh.cjb.net/ ;
- Fluid Interactive neEngine - http://www.fluidinteractive.com/ ;
- Reality Factor Pro - http://pro.realityfactory.ca/ ;
- Cipher Engine - http://www.cipherengine.com/ ;
- Auran Jet - http://www.auran.com/jet/default.htm ;
- 3D Rulers AMP 3D - http://www.4drulers.com/amp.html ;
- Power Render - http://www.3dengine.ca/ ;
- True Vision 3D - http://www.truevision3d.com/html/ ;
- Aztica - http://www.aztica.com/modules/news/ ;
- CloakNT - http://www.cauldron.sk/tech/cloaknt.htm ;
- Light Speed - http://lightspeed3d.cjb.net/ ;
- ExoEngine - http://www.exocortex.org/3dengine/ ;
- Codecult - http://www.codecult.com/ ;
- Twilight 3D - ;order=0
- Squire3d Engine - http://www.squiresoftgames.com/squire3d.html ;
- SunSpire 3D Engine - http://www.razor.sk/sunspire.html ;
- flexibil engine http://www.3impact.com ;
- first time used an it’s really flexibel http://www.garagegames.com/